State Rep. Rich Irvin | Pennsylvania 81st Legislative District
State Rep. Rich Irvin | Pennsylvania 81st Legislative District
Rep. Rich Irvin is set to host the 2024 Senior Expo on April 11 at Smithfield Fire Hall in Huntingdon. The event, running from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., aims to provide senior citizens and their caregivers with valuable resources and information.
"I invite all area senior citizens and their caregivers to attend this annual event, which includes lots of materials and information on health, financial matters, state programs, volunteer opportunities and much more geared specifically for older adults. There will also be raffle prize drawings, live music and a free lunch for all who attend," said Irvin.
The expo is co-sponsored by several organizations including the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging, Penn Highlands Healthcare, Graystone Manor, Community State Bank, and Westminster Woods.
For further details or directions to the event, attendees are encouraged to contact Rep. Irvin’s office at 814-644-2996.